pmb.sideload package

Module Contents

pmb.sideload.scp_abuild_key(args: PmbArgs, user: str, host: str, port: str)

Copy the building key of the local installation to the target device, so it trusts the apks that were signed here. :param user: target device ssh username :param host: target device ssh hostname :param port: target device ssh port

pmb.sideload.sideload(args: PmbArgs, user: str, host: str, port: str, arch: Arch | None, copy_key: bool, pkgnames)

Build packages if necessary and install them via SSH.

  • user – target device ssh username

  • host – target device ssh hostname

  • port – target device ssh port

  • arch – target device architecture

  • copy_key – copy the abuild key too

  • pkgnames – list of pkgnames to be built

pmb.sideload.ssh_find_arch(args: PmbArgs, user: str, host: str, port: str) Arch

Connect to a device via ssh and query the architecture.

pmb.sideload.ssh_install_apks(args: PmbArgs, user, host, port, paths)

Copy binary packages via SCP and install them via SSH. :param user: target device ssh username :param host: target device ssh hostname :param port: target device ssh port :param paths: list of absolute paths to locally stored apks :type paths: list