Database details

Database layout

The database layout is defined in bpo/db/ The initial layout of each table must not be modified, unless following strict rules listed below. Otherwise the live deployment of the bpo server can’t migrate properly to the new version. Remember that we roll out each commit that is pushed to master automatically to the live instance.

Extending the DB layout

Using a “proper” migration framework was considered, but the amount of effort to write migrations would be overkill for this small project. Instead, the tables always get bootstrapped from version 0 to latest.

New column

  1. Extend bpo/db/ with a new entry like the following:

def upgrade():
    # Log: add column "commit"
    if version_get() == 1:
        engine.execute("ALTER TABLE 'log' ADD COLUMN 'commit' VARCHAR")
  1. Extend the table’s class in bpo/db/ Use system=True so sqlalchemy will not attempt to create the column. Add a comment indicating the migration version that will create the table.

class Log(base):
    __tablename__ = "log"

    # === DATABASE LAYOUT, DO NOT CHANGE! (read docs/ ===
    commit = Column(String, system=True)  # [v2]

New index

  1. Extend bpo/db/ with a new entry like the following:

def upgrade():
    # Package: add index "status"
    if version_get() == 2:
        engine.execute("CREATE INDEX 'status'"
                       "ON 'package' (`status`)")
  1. Extend the table’s class in bpo/db/ with an commented out entry of the new index, and the migration version that creates it.

class Log(base):
    __tablename__ = "log"

    # === DATABASE LAYOUT, DO NOT CHANGE! (read docs/ ===
    # [v3]: Index("status", Package.status)

New table

  1. Add the table in bpo/db/ as new class, with the initial db layout. sqlalchemy will just create the table if it is missing, so there is no need to extend bpo/db/ for the initial version. Remember to add the “DATABASE LAYOUT” comments, just like in the other tables.

class Images(base):
    __tablename__ = "images"

    # === DATABASE LAYOUT, DO NOT CHANGE! (read docs/ ===
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    date = Column(DateTime(timezone=True),

    def __init__(self, device, branch, ui, kernel=None):
        self.device = device

    def __repr__(self):